1. The owner of this site is Charlie Markwick, 46 Tuffley Crescent, Gloucester and the hosting is provided by Southcot Services Ltd.
  2. Unless stated otherwise the material on this site is copyright free, we ask that people using any material credit us. Where material is marked as copyrighted we expect that to be honoured.  If copyright material on this site is used without permission elsewhere the owner of this site will not hesitate to take action against the party/ies breaching the copyright.
  3. People posting on this site MUST either own the copyright of any media they post or have permission to use it. In either case the details of the copyright owner should be clear to see.
  4. The owner of this site and any moderators assisting with its running reserve the right to remove any material they consider to be illegal, defamatory or contrary to the purpose of the site.

There may be more to come …